Azar Brannan's lawsuit against Toyota was finally settled. At least in a manner of speaking.
She says the suit was settled without her knowledge, that she was removed as plaintiff but led to believe that had not happened. She is currently suing the attorney who represented her, claiming - among other things - that future medical bills for catastrophic injuries to her legs will exceed $7.5 million, yet the case was settled without her permission.
Hooray for Azar exposing what happened and daring to sue her former attorney for legal malpractice. Her current actions are consistent with her determination to expose the nightmare consumers encounter when confronting corporate thugs like Toyota.
If only more consumers would confront and expose systemic abuses of power like Azar has done from the get-go. It's no coincidence that something weird happened in a case wherein the plaintiff was outspoken, posting opinions all over the Internet, and was holding out for a jury trial, which would have probably ended in her favor, embarrassing "Cover-up King" Toyota.
Things are often not what they appear to be, especially when corporate interests are at stake. A good example is Consumers Unions so-called campaign against robocalls, which I recently blogged about, exposing CU's real attitude toward consumers.
Amerika is a pervasively corrupt little rat-hole, the result of crooked corporate interests purchasing what's left of Amirika's government. It's no surprise that so many folks wonder which side "their" attorney is actually working for. Stay tuned for more on Azar's case.